Saturday, May 17, 2008

new blog

So I started a new blog about knitting.  I haven't posted anything there yet but I will in the next day or so.  I am decided not to go back to school in the fall and focus on making art and not spending money to do things for a grade.  I think that its a great choice.   I am really excited about spending more time with my knitting and learning new things.  I will still post to this blog as well.  i am working on a new series of Dance photos that I am excited about.  I will start to post them in the next week or so when I finish touching them up.  Please visit my knitting blog when you get a chance.  

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Life and the pursuit of ART

Today is mothers day, I am a mother and received coffee in bed from my lovely family they even got up extra early to bring it to be sense I am the early riser in the family.   I worked crazy hours this week and have recommitted myself to the gym so it was hard to find to do any but sleep, work out and a bit of knitting.  I feel like lately its what keeps me sane.  I am really trying to figure out whether or not to go back to school the Fall.  Whether I can get out of life what I want without taking college classes. I feel really confused about  what to do.  I don't feel like the classes I took were that good and there is no guarantee that I will be able to get a job once I am done the program.  Then there is my job, I can't go part time so there is the issue of working 40 hours taking 2 classes and getting my kid to two ballet classes a week.   It feels impossible.  While I was taking classes also didn't have any time to knit or work on any new photos or go to the gym.  I wish the answers would just come to me.  
Happy Mothers day to all the Mothers out there,  We are all very special people!!