Saturday, March 22, 2008

Egg Salad

  The making of egg salad on the day before the christian Holiday of Easter. On my way home for my daughter Ballet class it hit me Egg Salad.  I started to crave it, that is a sure sign of spring for me.  It is only 20 Degree out but the sun is shining and I am thinking about this series of images I have started that has to do with the re-emergence of the earth,  Its going to take a while as I am on Mother Natures schedule and not my own.  
I have been thinking about what it means to be an artist, how to make a living so I can leave the day job that I do that gets in the way of my art.  Taking the leap into by putting myself out into the world as an artist I guess is the first step.  What does it mean to live as a artist?  How to market myself so I can truly live the way that I want to,  Does it mean will have to sell myself out for weddings? I an just full of questions today. The eggs are done. 

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Blogfade, I think not!

Dwight wrote that I may have blogfade, well I am here to tell you I DON'T.  The fact of the matter is that if I post a new image everyday I will run of images to post.  So I thought I would post the IMAGES every other day or so, I also think it gives folks time to really look at the images that are up.   

The bag is also done. Home work is getting in the way, I am going on vacation in about a month and have already scoped out the nearest yarn store.  That is if my cheap husband will let me buy anything, It's my own fault for putting my stash out in the open and he can see how much yarn I already have.  I think that I will sneak out when he is not looking and at least buy something for the three people I know who are breeding  right now. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

who are you?

I love getting all the comments but who are you?  Please sign them I love to see who is looking at my art.  Thanks...
I have decided to post a new image every 2 or three days instead of everyday.  Its feeling a bit over whelming to post everyday. The snow is still gray and we got more of it today.   

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The snow is gray

As I was walking home from work this afternoon I couldn't help noticing how gross and gray the snow is becoming.  Yes its melting, but the ground below it is all gray and icky I mean YUCK! I mean if you never lived anywhere where you go through what we call up here in Vermont Mud Season, that's the season between Winter and Spring you won't know what I am taking about but if you have well you know exactly what I am saying.  I had this idea which I think I talked about before a series of spring coming which means talking images of the nasty as well as the beautiful, which I guess is all part of life. So maybe I will still explore that idea.  

I made some bean the other day and forgot that if you add salt before the beans are almost done cooking they won't cook or it will take them 2 days to be done.  Well this happened to me and the baked beans we were to have for dinner on Sunday we ate last night instead. 

there are 2 or 3 more images in this series before I move on.     

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning and it gray outside.  Today is bread baking day, I bake bread every Sunday for the week.  I know for some of you it sound like a big deal but I was a pro baker for many years and I have a Kitchen Aid which makes the whole process a breeze. I have been using this old french bread baking book that I got years ago.  I have also been using the white bread recipe out of the Joy and adding whole wheat and rye flours, I am lucky enough to have the grain grinding attachment for my Kitchen aid so I can grind my own grain. ( A birth git from my Daughter and Husband).  I don't know about you the a half gallon of local organic Milk is $4.29. Its great it comes in a glass bottle and is from on a couple hours away.  So anything I can do to cut our costs is good and making bread is so easily and really doesn't take that long.  
I have also been getting into using my slow cooker.  As a kid I remember my Mom cooking in one and it being kind a gross.  The meat and Potatoes.  Well I have an 11 year old vegetarian ( I was a Vegetarian for about 12 years) so We are eating less meat.  The slow cooker is great for make bean soups and stews with hard veggies. 

I have take apart the felted bag that I started working on and am starting it over again. I will post photos when I get it done.

The series is coming along.  I really like the image that I have posted for today.