I LOVE this time of year. I work at a company that is all about gardening. I love going to work and talking about it with my co worker, and the customers sometimes I Loose sight of what a great Company i do work for. We get 4 weeks of vacation and sick time. All of our health insurance is paid for, and most of the time its pretty fun. I have gotten a new appreciation of the place, Listening to how other working people have it now and how things are only getting worse. I really am one of the lucky ones. Did I mention that we are employee owned Co to boot.
As I move into my 42nd year ART (This could mean a myriad of things, photography, knitting, gardening, ....), family, friends, the ocean These are all things that I want to focus on.
I feel so thankful for my life and the people in it.
And I am thankful for you.
I love you very much, happy happy happy birthday.
Happy belated birthday, Film Girl. Sorry I missed it. It was a hectic week.
I'm going to hold you to your pledge to commit yourself to art. That's a great goal.
Thanks dwight, hope Mrs Dwight had a nice b-day as well. So happy to know that you make time to read my blog.
Ok, so I'm really really late in wishing you a happy birthday... It was a busy weekend at our house, and I was wearing the crab hat most of the time.
We went to the Laumeier Art Fair on Saturday, and I was wishing you guys were with us to share the art.
Your Cuz in the Lou
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