Friday, March 14, 2008


Yeah Its Friday!! Its has been a long week.  Class was cancelled today, I found out once I got there so it was a nice walk.  this also means no homework for this class which is great because in my other class I have tons. 
So I have this bag that I have been working on and i think that I am going to take it apart and start it again.  Its the bag that I talked about earlier, I just don't like how thick it is turning out to be,  of course is about 95% done.  I just want it to be right so I will use it and love it when its done.  I will post a photo when its finished.  When I first started knitting well I think that it been in just the past few years, I can't just plow through and finish it if its not perfect, i have in the past taken things out like four and five times.  I can't tell if its a sign of getting older and wiser or just obsessive

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