hope to see you there.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Spring is here and I have been spending much time working, knitting and playing in garden. I work in the gardening industry so its insanely busy at work right now. Its also time for me to start planting my own garden and I have 3 friends who are having babies so the baby knitting has begun. I have made the choice not to go back to school in the Fall. I realized that I don't need to be in "college" to get the information that I need to do what I want. Frankly it just wasn't worth the $3 grand I paid and there are many more ways I would like to be spending my time. I may not be posting that often to this blog but you can find me at knittinggloriousknitting@blogspot.com which is my new blog. See you there.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
new blog
So I started a new blog about knitting. I haven't posted anything there yet but I will in the next day or so. I am decided not to go back to school in the fall and focus on making art and not spending money to do things for a grade. I think that its a great choice. I am really excited about spending more time with my knitting and learning new things. I will still post to this blog as well. i am working on a new series of Dance photos that I am excited about. I will start to post them in the next week or so when I finish touching them up. Please visit my knitting blog when you get a chance.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Life and the pursuit of ART
Today is mothers day, I am a mother and received coffee in bed from my lovely family they even got up extra early to bring it to be sense I am the early riser in the family. I worked crazy hours this week and have recommitted myself to the gym so it was hard to find to do any but sleep, work out and a bit of knitting. I feel like lately its what keeps me sane. I am really trying to figure out whether or not to go back to school the Fall. Whether I can get out of life what I want without taking college classes. I feel really confused about what to do. I don't feel like the classes I took were that good and there is no guarantee that I will be able to get a job once I am done the program. Then there is my job, I can't go part time so there is the issue of working 40 hours taking 2 classes and getting my kid to two ballet classes a week. It feels impossible. While I was taking classes also didn't have any time to knit or work on any new photos or go to the gym. I wish the answers would just come to me.
Happy Mothers day to all the Mothers out there, We are all very special people!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Today I turn 41. Last year I call the City arborist ( the tree guy) about getting a tree planted in our green belt in front of our house. We have this program in the city where the city will plant a tree for you and you get to take care of it. anyway, when I talked with him he said that the green belt was not wide enough to support a tree's roots system. So I pretty much gave up on the city giving us a tree. I have two flower gardens in the green belt and a raised bed veggie garden in our yard, Well I guess the all powerful city guy decided that the green belt was wide enough because when we got home last might we had a beautiful elm sapling planting in front of our house. What a great way to start my Birthday weekend.
I LOVE this time of year. I work at a company that is all about gardening. I love going to work and talking about it with my co worker, and the customers sometimes I Loose sight of what a great Company i do work for. We get 4 weeks of vacation and sick time. All of our health insurance is paid for, and most of the time its pretty fun. I have gotten a new appreciation of the place, Listening to how other working people have it now and how things are only getting worse. I really am one of the lucky ones. Did I mention that we are employee owned Co to boot.
As I move into my 42nd year ART (This could mean a myriad of things, photography, knitting, gardening, ....), family, friends, the ocean These are all things that I want to focus on.
I feel so thankful for my life and the people in it.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Boy is it cold!
Nothing like coming home to 40 degree weather to snap you back into reality. Its cold I have to work overtime for the next two weeks and I am turning 41 on Saturday. I love m birthday always have getting older is something that I am hung up on. Its the having to work on Sunday which is ordinarily one of my days off. which means I only get one of my birthday weekend days off. I was dreaming of having the whole weekend to do whatever i wanted. Put the family to work in the yard, see a bad romance comedy, go out to dinner...the list goes on. oh well us human is flexible so now my weekend is packed with other things.
Well on Vacation I really didn't take many photos. This thing happens when I go somewhere. I feel like my camera gets in the way of really experiencing the place and the people, When I went to Europe I only took 5 rolls of film the whole trip and I was there for 9 weeks. that was before digital. I am happy to be home and to see all the tulips blooming.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
YEAH, I feel like one of the lucky ones. My Mother in law has time share in Sunny South Carolina and that is where I am right now. It has been Sunny and warn every day so far and today we went sailing and got to see dolphins. I have so much gratitude we are do lucky to have what we have and the people in our lives who love us. It has been so great just hang out on the beach and be with my family. My daughter and I went for a long bike ride yesterday while everyone else was out "golfing" I use the term loosely due to the fact that there was only 1 "real golfer in the bunch. I will not be writing for the rest of the week. Hope where ever you are its sunny and you are with people who love you.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
one down one to go
OK so I have one class down and one to go not to mention its one of the busiest weeks of the year to my job and there is some unnecessary Drama going on that just gets in the way of me doing my job, ICKY! I finished the felted bag that I have been working on and started to design a new one. I can wait to work on it next week while we are at the beach. I will post photos later.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
sleepy Saturday
It's gray and rainy and I work up with wicked headache. I brought my daughter to her play practice at 9 and then came home and went back to bed until about 1:30. Dave Left the house for a while and it was nice to be at home in bed in the quiet house. ( That doesn't happen very often.) I haven't had a migraine in a couple of years. They do run in my family, My mother is also afflicted with them. Any one who has experienced them know that they really SUCK! All i can do is to get into bed take about 4 Advil and put a icepack at the base of my skull. So I am not quite myself yet but I am getting there.
Needles to say no homework has happened, there is always tomorrow.
Friday, April 11, 2008
God Visited
Well I am so lucky that God visited my today. Hi God! Its raining today the tulips are coming up it really feel like spring. I am feeling dissatisfying with my school experience and not sure what to do about it . Maybe I don't have to spend money to go to school,maybe I can just be an artist. I am a artist but I want to just wake up and do working on whatever I want to work on. God I wish I was RICH! Then there is the thing about whether I am any good. Ok I will stop now. Happy Friday!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Well after the last comment I felt that I needed to at least say hi, Life is really crazy busy for me right now. Its the end of the semester and I have a BIG project due next Tuesday night. I finished the felted bag that I have been working on and an now working on designing one myself which is really fun! I can 't wait for school to be done so I can spend all my spare time working on it. Its been really sunny and all the tulips and daffodils are coming up. I planted some sweet peas on Sunday I know that I am a bit over excited about spring coming but I figure if its too cold they will just shiver a bit. YEAH !! Spring is HERE!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
art live, work
So How do i figure out the whole life as an artist thing and still make money to support my art and family? Is school the answer? What I really want to do is work for a knitting mag where I can take photos and work behind the scene's. Its seems like a pipe dream, how do I make it happen? Where do I go from here? Or should just be content that I have a good job with benefits and work on my art (knitting and photography) after work hours? I have these big ideas and can't make them work because of time or money. I really want a 8 color ink jet printer but there like $1000 and that's just not happening right now. OK I could go on and on... Feeling a bit sorry for myself today you have to excuse me. Live is good I am going to the yarn store this weekend... YEAH!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
the bag
Well another week has gone by and the felted bag still is not done. I have three weeks of school left so I may just have to set it aside until the semester is over and of course its the busy time at my work place so... the bag just sits and whispers to me and make me feel guilty for not working on it.
We are going away on vacation in a few weeks and I plan on getting a lot of knitting done then. I have 2 friends who have buns in the oven so I am thinking about what to make them. I have already scoped out the local yarn store where we will be going so I plan on making my way there sometime while we are in the area. This shop is also a book store so I think that I can lure my husband with me and we can have a date. the kid will be with her grandma as we are going on a "family vacation" I can't wait to be in the sun where its over 40 degrees.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
basket ball and little time
So at our house its all about the b-ball, you know March Madness and all that, Its also fast approaching the end to my semester. I have been staying up late trying to work on my own art while trying to pump out thumb nails with themes like playful and bold, all surrounded by the din of screaming fans. The end is near with a summer of images and knitting ahead.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
so proud
So I just have to sing the praises for my amazing 11 old. She fell in love with Ballet and has been working very hard at dance class. She really wanted to try out for the summer intensive. 5 weeks seven hours a day so we went to the audition two weeks ago she danced her heart out and we got the letter today. She got in. You have to understand that she has many challenges in her daily life. she reads at a second grade level on a good day spelling and writing are also really hard for her. but when she dances none of that matters,when she dances you can see how everything that is hard falls away. Regardless how I feel about ballet as a dance form I see how much she benefits from it. I am so grateful that she has found something that she loves and that she excels at. I am one proud Mother!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Cold Sun
The sky was bright and blue today. I spent the early afternoon with family that I don't hang out with much, It was nice to hang out with them. I did miss my sister, this is one of the first holidays that she wasn't at my mothers with us. She really does make it more fun and A few people mentioned her absents. I know that she reads this everyday, not guilt please! My Mom always come through with the good Easter Chocolate. I don't celibate Easter but my Mom is a practicing Catholic, Its REALLY important to her at we spend time on the Holidays. For years I tried to figure out how not to go. Now as I get older I have decided this is something that I am willing, no happy to do for her.
Then I came home and baked the weekly bread, and worked on some images. All and all its been a good day.
Peace and Happy Spring!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Egg Salad
The making of egg salad on the day before the christian Holiday of Easter. On my way home for my daughter Ballet class it hit me Egg Salad. I started to crave it, that is a sure sign of spring for me. It is only 20 Degree out but the sun is shining and I am thinking about this series of images I have started that has to do with the re-emergence of the earth, Its going to take a while as I am on Mother Natures schedule and not my own.
I have been thinking about what it means to be an artist, how to make a living so I can leave the day job that I do that gets in the way of my art. Taking the leap into by putting myself out into the world as an artist I guess is the first step. What does it mean to live as a artist? How to market myself so I can truly live the way that I want to, Does it mean will have to sell myself out for weddings? I an just full of questions today. The eggs are done.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Blogfade, I think not!
Dwight wrote that I may have blogfade, well I am here to tell you I DON'T. The fact of the matter is that if I post a new image everyday I will run of images to post. So I thought I would post the IMAGES every other day or so, I also think it gives folks time to really look at the images that are up.
The bag is also done. Home work is getting in the way, I am going on vacation in about a month and have already scoped out the nearest yarn store. That is if my cheap husband will let me buy anything, It's my own fault for putting my stash out in the open and he can see how much yarn I already have. I think that I will sneak out when he is not looking and at least buy something for the three people I know who are breeding right now.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
who are you?
I love getting all the comments but who are you? Please sign them I love to see who is looking at my art. Thanks...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The snow is gray
As I was walking home from work this afternoon I couldn't help noticing how gross and gray the snow is becoming. Yes its melting, but the ground below it is all gray and icky I mean YUCK! I mean if you never lived anywhere where you go through what we call up here in Vermont Mud Season, that's the season between Winter and Spring you won't know what I am taking about but if you have well you know exactly what I am saying. I had this idea which I think I talked about before a series of spring coming which means talking images of the nasty as well as the beautiful, which I guess is all part of life. So maybe I will still explore that idea.
I made some bean the other day and forgot that if you add salt before the beans are almost done cooking they won't cook or it will take them 2 days to be done. Well this happened to me and the baked beans we were to have for dinner on Sunday we ate last night instead.
there are 2 or 3 more images in this series before I move on.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sunday Morning
Sunday morning and it gray outside. Today is bread baking day, I bake bread every Sunday for the week. I know for some of you it sound like a big deal but I was a pro baker for many years and I have a Kitchen Aid which makes the whole process a breeze. I have been using this old french bread baking book that I got years ago. I have also been using the white bread recipe out of the Joy and adding whole wheat and rye flours, I am lucky enough to have the grain grinding attachment for my Kitchen aid so I can grind my own grain. ( A birth git from my Daughter and Husband). I don't know about you the a half gallon of local organic Milk is $4.29. Its great it comes in a glass bottle and is from on a couple hours away. So anything I can do to cut our costs is good and making bread is so easily and really doesn't take that long.
I have also been getting into using my slow cooker. As a kid I remember my Mom cooking in one and it being kind a gross. The meat and Potatoes. Well I have an 11 year old vegetarian ( I was a Vegetarian for about 12 years) so We are eating less meat. The slow cooker is great for make bean soups and stews with hard veggies.
I have take apart the felted bag that I started working on and am starting it over again. I will post photos when I get it done.
The series is coming along. I really like the image that I have posted for today.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Yeah Its Friday!! Its has been a long week. Class was cancelled today, I found out once I got there so it was a nice walk. this also means no homework for this class which is great because in my other class I have tons.
So I have this bag that I have been working on and i think that I am going to take it apart and start it again. Its the bag that I talked about earlier, I just don't like how thick it is turning out to be, of course is about 95% done. I just want it to be right so I will use it and love it when its done. I will post a photo when its finished. When I first started knitting well I think that it been in just the past few years, I can't just plow through and finish it if its not perfect, i have in the past taken things out like four and five times. I can't tell if its a sign of getting older and wiser or just obsessive.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
where is spring?
The snow is melting... I realized just to other day. this thing happens to me every year and every year I realize the same thing in early March, I realize how much January and February Sucked. I mean While is going on I think that I am handling the loss of light and the cold well getting through the winter pretty much OK, Then in March I realize how bad I mean really bad it, So the light is back, the snow is melting and soon the sap will be running, spring is on her way!!
I have is idea for a series of images of spring, taking photos as the snow melts in the city and photos of all the lays under.
We will see how that moves forward...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
finding a title
I hate titling my post, It hard enough to know what to say then I have to think of a title. yuck! our kid loves to use whatever towel is in the bathroom after her shower. It is a very big issue in our house. It drives my husband crazy ( mostly because she always uses his.) I think she may do it just to get a rise out of him, you got to love the father daughter relationship.
haven't work much on the felted bag this week. I have a ton of homework for my color theory class. I have done it all before but because of some gulch in the system, i am back to cutting squares of color.
I think that there will be seven images in this series when I am done. I took over 100 images and have narrowed it down. I am not sure why I choose seven the number just feels right. I like the odd number thing. I plan to post all the photos that I am working on now, not sure how many that is.
Looking forward to the spring, It was warmer here then it has been and all the ice is melting. I am excited about planting my garden and having fresh herbs to cook with again.
just rambling....
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
reminded about passion
Today I was reminded that photography is not my "Hobby" It's my passion, knitting is my hobby, Thanks for the reminder!
Monday, March 10, 2008
wasting time
Why do I feel like all I am doing is wasting time. All i want to do is knit and take photos and spend time at the computer editing them and getting the images just right. I can start something and then before I know it its like 1 o'clock in the morning and i have to get up for work in like six hours. I am working on a group of images right now that I can't get out of my mind I think about them all the time. What I want them to be when I am done fiddling they them. small little images that you have to get really close to before you can make out what they are. Little stories inside each frame.
Then there is always the question will I ever sell anything, as I remind myself( as does my very frugal husband) that photography is an expensive hobby. For a person like me its seems so self indulgent, which of course it is.
I think that one of the ways I want to use this blog is just to write whatever and then post a image everyday, something that i am working on.
here is the first in a series.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
I final did it
SO I final did it. This is my first post to my new blog. what to say?... I started the blog to show my photography, i am hoping that in the next 3-5 years I will be able to either quite my day job or drastically reduce my hours and do photography and graphic design full time. When I turned 40 I decided to take that old saying life begins at 40 and really put it to the test( I know how corny it sounds), since last may I have started school and made a plan to make my life exactly what I want it to be. SO i guess starting a blog fits into that plan. Who know if any one will read this or look at my work but it feels like a way to put myself out into the world that doesn't seem quite so scary. I plan on posting twice a week to start and see where that leads me. the posting will more than likely be all over the place about photography, knitting raising a daughter who is about to jump into puberty with both feet... So on that subject, God now I know what my mother had to go though, one minute a loving young girl who never wants to leave your side to the next minute a monster with big fangs that can scream louder than anything you have ever heard!
OK i guess i am digressing...
On knitting, I am making this great project bag, the pattern is from my local yarn shop, I of course am totally not following the instructions and its going to be huge, I started it because i have this sweater that i started when my daughter was born (11 years ago) and had never finished it. I made a pack with myself that I would Not buy any more new yarn until I got at least everything I have started finished, That is to say everything on the needles, i am not talking at all about my stash... oh the beloved stash!! So hence the bag.
It is calling me so I will write more later...
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